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For use on the back side Oil #1 Nume

For use on the back side Oil #1 Nume

  • Manufacturer:Tochigi Leather
  • Leather type:Cowhide(Side)
  • Thickness:1.5~1.8mm
  • Unit Price:¥96
  • Finishing:Dyed finish
  • Texture:Smooth
  • Type:Vegetable tanned
  • Hardness: Soft ★・・・・ Hard
  • *Prices may be revised without notice due to changes in raw material prices.
  • *Leather has individual differences in thickness.

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For those who love natural leather.

As the name suggests, this is vegetable tanned leather that was originally proposed to be used for the lining.
This is bare leather with no makeup whatsoever, so you can fully enjoy the natural look of the leather.

This is a service product with a low price because the fabric used is from an individual item that has many stains, dirt, and scratches.
It also has excellent cost performance, so you can enjoy using it in any way you like.

3) Individuals with a high branding rate and particularly many natural marks

Since we use these materials, the leather generally has many natural marks.

Read more about leather conditions here


This product is priced low by using fabric with many natural marks, so it is a fairly wild material.

Since there are significant individual differences in the degree of scratches, etc., these products are generally only available for face-to-face sales.

If you wish to sell online, we will only sell the product if you accept the Natural Mark as an advantage unique to natural materials.

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